A recent scientific paper (2022) investigated a case of nematode (parasitic worm) infection in a carrier pigeon.

At necropsy, it was found that the pigeon had numerous nematodes in its proventriculus, gizzard and intestine, as well as haemorrhages in the intestine. These nematodes were identified as the species Ascaridia columbae. Histological examination of the intestine also revealed atrophy of the vilosites (small finger-like projections in the intestine), necrotic and desquamated mucosal epithelium and infiltration of mononuclear cells in the lamina propria (tissue layer in the intestine) and muscle layer, as well as haemorrhage. The lungs and liver also showed various abnormalities. This infection with Ascaridia columbae can lead to weight loss, reduced egg production, stunted growth, gastrointestinal blockage and even death in pigeons. It is important to note that the pigeons were regularly dewormed, which shows the importance of monitoring the health of the pigeons to prevent serious infections.
Research Note on Parasitic Pathology of Ascaridia columbae Infection in a Racing Homer (Columba livia domestica) T. Dhanya1*, M. Pradeep1, K. S. Prasanna1, R. Ravindran2, V. Elizabeth1, G.S. Kumar2, R. Anoopraj1, P. Hamza1and J.G. Ajith1