Pigeon racing is an ancient sport of breeding and racing carrier pigeons. The first traces of this practice date back to ancient Egypt, where pigeons were used to transmit messages.

In the Middle Ages they were used to carry messages between castles, and from the 19th to the 20th century they were commonly used by armies to carry information on the battlefield.

However, it was at the end of the 19th century that sport pigeon racing really took off, with the creation of pigeon fanciers' societies and the holding of racing pigeon competitions.
Today, pigeon racing is practised in many countries, and the most famous competitions are held in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and France. In particular, pigeon racing is a strong tradition in northern France, where it has been linked to the history of the mining industry in the region. Pigeon fanciers in this region have developed unique breeding techniques to produce successful pigeons, which are still used today in pigeon racing competitions.

Sport pigeon racing is a competitive sport, where pigeon breeders strive to produce the fastest and most reliable pigeons. Pigeons are trained regularly and performance tested to ensure that they are ready for competition. Breeders also use breeding techniques to select the best performing pigeons.
In addition to the competition, pigeon racing is also an exciting activity for nature lovers.
In summary, pigeon racing is an exciting sport that attracts many enthusiasts of all ages and social backgrounds who share a passion for birds and nature.