Pigeon racing has been a popular sport in Senegal since the 1960s. There are about 350 pigeon fanciers in the country who are passionate about breeding and competing with racing pigeons. Pigeons are traded for as little as 10,000 CFA francs and pigeon racing is considered a profitable economic activity for Senegalese pigeon fanciers.

Senegalese pigeon fanciers became interested in breeding and competing with racing pigeons, especially in rural areas where pigeons were already used for food. There are many active pigeon clubs in Senegal, such as the Club des Colombophiles de Dakar, which regularly organise prestigious competitions and shows.
There have been several competitions this season, the first speed competition of the 2022-2023 season was held on Sunday 27 November 2022 in Touba, with 4589 pigeons released. The second competition of the season, the Mbacké Djolof competition, took place on 4 December 2022, with 3507 pigeons released. The Dahra Diolof and Sohm competition, respectively the third and fourth speed competition of the 2022-2023 season, took place on 27 December 2022. The Ranerou competition, the first middle-distance competition of the 2022-2023 season, took place on 25 December 2022, with 390 km of distance and 2009 pigeons released. The Tambacounda competition, which was considered one of the most difficult of the season due to its unfavourable climate, was held on 11 January 2023.
The most prestigious national competition of the season, the only race of the season where pigeon fanciers from all over the country compete, was the one in Kedougou and took place on Saturday 21 January 2023, with a distance of over 600 km.
In addition to the prestigious competitions mentioned above, there are other important pigeon races in Senegal. Senegalese pigeon fanciers are passionate and determined to win the awards and trophies that go with them.
Active pigeon clubs in Senegal, such as the Club des Colombophiles de Dakar, regularly organise competitions and events for pigeon fanciers. Pigeon fanciers meet to exchange stories and tips, and to admire the fastest and best performing pigeons.
In conclusion, pigeon racing is an exciting and competitive sport that attracts many enthusiasts in Senegal. It also offers a profitable opportunity for racing pigeon breeders and passionate pigeon fanciers. Prestigious competitions and events organised by pigeon fanciers' clubs strengthen the community and celebrate the best talents in the sport.
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