In this series of short articles we will discuss each key point of the wing method in turn. This will allow you to understand point by point the morphological characteristics to observe in your pigeons to judge their quality.
Today, for this first article, we will focus on two important aspects: the wishbone and the rear fork.
The wishbone is the upper part of the pigeon's thorax.

It should be straight and strong when light pressure is applied with your hands. If you notice that the pigeon tries to pull away from your hands in this way, this may indicate a skeletal weakness. These are not suitable for the loft as they do not allow the owner to progress.
The shape of the wishbone and its structure is a matter of judgement, but it is important to know the difference between a deep wishbone and a descending wishbone.

Pigeons with a deep wishbone usually have a wide rib cage and a long wishbone that runs smoothly up the back. This allows for a better oxygenation of the bloodstream.
Conversely, the descending wishbone is a major reproductive defect, and this morphological characteristic is rare in winners, especially in long-distance competitions.
It is important for pigeon fanciers to understand this aspect of morphology in order to breed quality birds.
In the next few articles we will discuss the other morphological advantages for competition and where to focus on to breed quality pigeons.
See you soon.